
Career transitions

We have put together some case studies from seafarers – who share insights on what was helpful to them in transitioning to different roles during their maritime careers. We have also published podcasts and CV webinars in support of mentoring on career transitions.

All in the same boat

At its 2015 General Meeting, Nautilus International passed a resolution agreeing that the Union would do more to help members get the information they need to progress in their careers – both at sea and ashore.

Much of this work has focused on transition periods – supporting members when they first go to college, go to sea, attempt to rise through the ranks and – as many do – move to a shoreside job in the shipping industry.

This initiative is being forged into a campaign under the banner of 'All in the same boat'.

We are also supporting research into a best practice mentoring scheme so that members can learn from other members who have already been through the experience.

Transition case studies

In the first steps to support this campaign we have put together some case studies available via Related Links on this page – using audio and video recording, in which seafarers at various stages of their careers share their experiences – talking about what was helpful to them in making decisions about their future at work, and making suggestions for support they'd like to see in place.

Podcasts: the future and diversity

The future of the maritime industry and diversity and equality within the sector are the subjects of two Nautilus podcasts.

The first  – Maritime 2040 – recorded at the Union's general meeting 2019 in Rotterdam, looks at automation, technology, and employment of the future.

The second features an expert panel discussing diversity and equality within the sector. Nautilus Council member and The Shipping Exchange founder Graham Fisher hosts both podcasts.

Talking part in the Maritime 2040 podcast are Stephen Cotton, general secretary of the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and Dr Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, president of World Maritime University and 'Mother of the Maritime Labour Convention'.

Widening the conversation on equality and diversity are: Adam Harrison, a second mate working on containerships; Sarah Stevens, a deck officer with six years' experience; Debbie Cavaldoro, Nautilus International's head of strategy and Jessica Tyson, Nautilus Council member, a pilot and deputy harbour master who was at sea for 18 years and recognised with a Merchant Navy Medal in 2019.

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Nautilus Plus CV webinars

For further advice on how to get more job interviews, you can listen to these CV and LinkedIn webinars recorded by CV and Interview Advisors from the 2019 webinars held via Nautilus Plus - our members' deals and discount service. Please note any offers are only available at the time of the recording.

Play the CV webinar Play the LinkedIn webinar
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Job advice webinars

Members: sign up for the latest Nautilus Plus free CV and LinkedIn webinar.

Register for the March 2020 jobs webinar

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