
04 May 2020 - 31 July 2020

Second officer member fundraises for Seafarers UK

Venue: Online, Just Giving fundraising event

Nautilus member Jamie Edwards is runing or walking 5k every day until he goes back to sea to raise money for Seafarers UK and its work for seafarers during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Jamie has set up a JustGiving page for the fundraiser and hopes to achieve his £1000 target before he is called back to his seafaring duties, which may be some time off due to crew change restrictions globally.

He says: 'Due to the current crisis many seafarers are either abandoned at sea without money or supplies or waiting unpaid at home. Seafarers UK aims to help those that need it most during these trying times. So to pass the time until I go back to sea, I've decided to run or walk 5K a day (come rain or shine) until I go back out (or in 3 months as I may actually collapse).'


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