UK Nautilus pensions

19 November 2019 11:00 - 13:00

MNOPF pension forum

Venue: Poole Harbour Yacht Club

Nautilus pension meetings serve as a focal point for members regarding UK pension matters.  They are a channel for information and advice on all kinds of pensions, as well as offering specific information on legal and government developments on pensions.

Upcoming MNOPF pension forums

The next forum will take place at 11am on 19 November in Poole Harbour at the Poole Harbour Yacht Club.

All members living within 75 miles of the venue will automatically be invited to attend.

To confirm your attendance, please register in advance via the MNOPF website – scroll down to the Events section on the MNOPF homepage –  or call +44 (0)20 3150 0850. 

Tea and coffee will be available from 11:00am, with the main presentation starting at around 11.00. Afterwards, a light buffet lunch will be served, with a chance to meet and ask questions of the MNOPF trustee vice-chair and the members of the executive team.

Find out more about UK seafarer pension schemes in Retirement planning

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