
Fighting for Fairness

Nautilus International's new focus on Fairness will shape the next few years of our Union's activism.

The trade union movement has been a powerful force for change over the last two centuries, righting wrongs through the strength of thousands of voices speaking in unison. And with the global economy now in upheaval due to the Covid-19 pandemic and thousands of maritime jobs at risk, there is more need than ever for Nautilus members come together and campaign for a fair deal.

Nautilus International's new focus on Fairness will shape the next few years of our Union's activism.

What is a trade union for? We might think of collective bargaining, perhaps, or supporting members involved in grievance or disciplinary procedures. But what it all boils down to is working to achieve fairness – making sure everyone is given a fair shout, whatever their rank, role or background.

That's why Nautilus International is launching a new campaign around Fairness, which will encompass all three of the Union's national branches – UK, Netherlands and Switzerland – and will run until the next Nautilus General Meeting in 2023.

This umbrella campaign will demand fairness for our members by highlighting best practice, shining a light on those who persist with unfair practices and working towards a society which is fairer for all.

The idea for the campaign came from close consultation with members over the past two years, with feedback given through online surveys and face-to-face discussions – notably at the 2019 Nautilus General Meeting in Rotterdam.

The experienced trade union negotiators and strategists in the Nautilus secretariat have now worked with members to develop five key campaign areas under the Fairness banner.

Here are the Union's commitments to working in each of these campaign areas over the next three years:

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Nautilus Fair Treatment App

Nautilus has launched a Fair Treatment App for members to record incidents at sea. Available in either iTunes or Android Playstore.

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