
General meetings

The Union is only as strong, effective and powerful as the members who participate in its operation and activities.

Attending a Nautilus International General Meeting gives you the opportunity as members to have your say through motions submitted in advance, which ask the Union to take a course of action, and influence the way the Union operates and the issues it campaigns on.

The Nautilus General Meeting – held once every four years – is the most important policy-making forum the Union has. It allows full members to help set the Union's policy and other priorities, and debate and decide upon the approach to key issues that affect maritime professionals across all branches of the Union.

These meetings also give members an important chance to socialise with other seafarers, get insights and support on issues common to their sectors, and stay politically informed.

Submitting a motion

Motions for debate and decision at Union general meetings need to have the support of four full members (i.e. not associate or affiliate) and be submitted to the Nautilus head office by deadlines which are advertised well in advance online and in our flagship magazine, the Telegraph.

At the meeting, members submit the motions to be debated and then vote on them. If a motion wins the support of the majority of full members attending the General Meeting, it will become Nautilus International policy (as a 'resolution') and must be implemented by the Union's governing Council. The motions then set the Union's agenda for the following four years.

Previous resolutions

An archive of resolutions adopted at previous General Meetings is available on this page. It is the responsibility of the Resolutions Committee to ensure resolutions are implemented as Union policy.

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