
Nautilus forums

Have you struggled to make your voice heard about specific challenges you face at work? Does your standard issue clothing fit poorly, are you concerned about safety in enclosed spaces, or are you critical of inadequate regulations?

Nautilus forums offer a space to discuss issues like these with your fellow members – sharing expertise and coming up with solutions. The forums are part of the Union's governance and policy-making process, and the work done here has led to major changes in the industry.

For example, the Women's Forum's work on tackling workplace bullying and harassment led to the creation of the Nautilus Protect and Respect guide and fed into anti-bullying policies adopted by maritime employers across Europe.

Members can choose to attend forum meetings on a regular or occasional basis. To find out the dates and locations of upcoming meetings, please see Nautilus events.

Professional and Technical Forum

The Professional & Technical Forum deals with a wide range of technical, safety, welfare and other professional topics of relevance to all members, including training and certification. The forum meets four times a year for meetings in the UK and Netherlands, and is open to all full Nautilus members.

Women's Forum

The Women's Forum offers an opportunity for female members to engage in discussions on the specific challenges facing women in the maritime profession. Members also consider how to promote maritime careers to women, identify the organising needs of women and encourage female members' participation in the Union's activities. The forum provides guidance to the Council on all these issues. English-language meetings of the forum are held at least twice a year in London or Wallasey, and Dutch-language meetings are held at least twice a year in Rotterdam.

Young Maritime Professionals Forum

The Young Maritime Professionals Forum offers an opportunity for young members to engage in discussions on the specific challenges facing young workers in the maritime profession. Members also consider how to promote maritime careers to young people, and how to identify the organising needs of young members and to encourage their participation in the Union's activities. The forum is open to all full members aged 35 and under, and meets at least twice a year for English-language meetings, either at the Union offices in London or Wallasey, or at maritime colleges around the UK.

Nautilus Pensions Association

Meetings of the Nautilus Pensions Association (NPA) are open to all Union members and cover the latest developments in the UK-based MNOPF and Ensign Retirement Plan schemes, as well as other pension issues of interest and relevance. The NPA invites its members on a regular basis to its forums across the United Kingdom. Forums may also be held in conjunction with other schemes and be open, by invitation, to members of these schemes.

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