Guidebook / Non-fiction

Ship superintendency – an introduction

Mike Wall

0008206_ship-superintendency-an-introduction_300.pngThere are probably few people better placed than Mike Wall to provide insight on how to make that move, and this 650-page book provides as comprehensive a guide as you could ever hope for.

Not all superintendents are the same, of course, and the book describes the differences between the roles, responsibilities and qualifications of technical, vetting, docking, newbuilding, nautical, cargo, and personnel superintendents, as well as giving some frank advice on the transition from life onboard to life in an office.

To provide the broader context, there’s a wealth of information about the way in which the shipping industry works and the plethora of external parties with which a superintendent has to interact.

And the book provides a useful selection of glossaries, checklists and references that enable the reader to dig even deeper.

ISBN 978 61656 57525

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