Press Release

Nautilus coronavirus response from general secretary

17 March 2020

Dear Member

At this most extraordinary time I wanted to reassure you that Nautilus International remains open for business and will be there to support you.

Following the latest advice from governments in the UK, NL and CH we have moved to restrict exposure to the coronavirus for our staff. Our offices in NL and CH have closed and all staff are maintaining services and support to our members from home.

Over the last few years, Nautilus have invested in an IT infrastructure that allows our staff to be able to work from any location so home workers are still connected to our phone and data networks and have everything they need to support you.

In the UK the advice is currently that home working should be undertaken where possible. As such most staff are now doing that. We will however be keeping our offices open in Wallasey and South Woodford with a small number of staff. Clearly the situation is fluid and we will keep this policy under review. It is possible we may need to close the remaining offices at some point if further restrictions come into play.

The ethos of Nautilus is to put our members first, but I must of course pay due regard to the health and safety of my staff. However, I wanted you to know that all my staff remain dedicated to your support at this time and will do their utmost to assist you and maintain our services.

You can continue to contact us on the normal channels but also do not forget that emergency support is provided via Nautilus24/7.

Our goal is to ensure that you receive a good service despite the disruption that is being caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

On behalf of the team at Nautilus International please accept our best wishes for your safety and well-being.

Kind regards

Mark Dickinson
General Secretary


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