Press Release

On the first day of Christmas seafarers brought to me...

9 December 2019

Press release

With 95% of everything coming into the country by sea, people are being encouraged to recognise the seafarers who truly deliver Christmas to our shores.

Seafarers are responsible for moving 95% of UK trade and are essential in creating the traditional festive season by bringing decorations, presents, food and drink to homes everywhere.

As well as our favourite toys and gifts, the ingredients for much of the traditional Christmas dinner is also delivered by seafarers, some travelling as far as 30,000 miles by sea before reaching our supermarket shelves.
In the run up to the big day, maritime professionals’ union Nautilus International is shining a light on our reliance on seafarers, with a new ‘12 Days of Christmas’ campaign.

The Union's video campaign will showcase a new festive item each day that is brought to us every year by seafarers, over the course of 12 days in a countdown to Christmas.

With panettone from Italy and toys from China, seafarers truly are Santa's little helpers – facilitating a merry Christmas for people everywhere.

General secretary of Nautilus International, Mark Dickinson, said: 'Christmas is coming – and it's being brought to us by seafarers.

'It is often surprising when people realise that so much of trade is moved by sea and as such, requires the often underappreciated work of the maritime professionals who facilitate this.

'It is a simple fact that without seafarers – working in often challenging conditions and spending significant periods of time away from home – we wouldn't have Christmas as we know it.

'At this time of year especially, we must recognise and celebrate the commitment and hard work of our maritime professionals and wish them a Merry Christmas wherever they are in the world.'

The UK relies on the maritime industry and seafarers all year round, not just at Christmas, with the sector supporting £40 billion in business turnover and 185,700 jobs. Despite the UK's reliance on the industry, the number of seafarers active in the UK has fallen by 75 per cent since 1975.

To find out more: follow Nautilus International on Facebook or Twitter.

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