
Raising public awareness

Nautilus works hard to raise public awareness of merchant seafaring and inland navigation through its publications, website, and social media campaigns.

Our digital and print offerings

Our expertise in maritime issues also flows through our parliamentary lobbying, attendance at international maritime forums, and production of specialist reports and other promotional materials to support our campaigns.As well as providing a much-needed source of news and comment about matters often neglected in the mainstream press, the union's flagship magazine, the Nautilus Telegraph, helps to build a sense of community among its readers. The monthly newspaper is more than just a successful and award-winning trade union journal; it is read very widely throughout the industry and engages readers from all ranks and roles in lively debate through its letters pages and features.

The Nautilus website provides a constantly updated information resource for members and the public, and its campaigns are also supported through strategic use of social media accounts such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

External relations

Nautilus often works in partnership with other groups and organisations, nationally and internationally, to highlight the value of the shipping industry and the continued importance of maritime skills. Officials speak at external conferences and events, and give active support to initiatives such as World Maritime Day and Seafarers' Awareness Week. Senior officials throughout the Union also help uphold standards representing the Union at various policy-making, educational, wage-setting and diplomatic forums – such as the European Parliament, the International Maritime Organisation, the International Bargaining Forum, the International Labour Organisation, the International Transport Workers' Federation and the European Transport Workers' Federation.

We liaise with other organisations in the maritime sector to develop strong and coherent messages about seafarer training, and to promote careers in the industry. We have worked with other industry bodies – such as P&I clubs, maritime lawyers, and employer representatives – to highlight particular safety and or welfare issues; and we maintain close links with organisations such as the Seafarers' International Research Centre to ensure that there is reliable scientific evidence on social and organisational aspects of modern-day seafaring.

Knowledge base

Information is the most important element of the Union's awareness-raising activities and we produce a wide range of material to support our campaign work. Specialist reports and briefing documents, leaflets, posters and promotional material are all key elements in the ongoing effort to generate interest in the maritime sector. Members' support with this is vital – both in using the material to best effect and in helping with the research and development of reports.

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