
Recognising achievement

As a maritime trade union and professional association, Nautilus has a responsibility to raise the profile of our members' important work as seafarers, boatmen and other maritime professionals.

We also need to encourage young people to stay in the industry by recognising their efforts to complete their training and build their careers. That's why we run our own award schemes for maritime professionals and contribute to other such schemes in our industry. 

Cadet awards

Nautilus runs two annual award schemes for cadets (officer trainees): one in the Netherlands and the other in the UK.

The scheme in the Netherlands is for the 'most socially-minded' student, and is presented to the winner upon graduation from maritime college.

In the UK, there is the Bevis Minter Award, named in tribute to a former chairman of the Union's Council. The Bevis Minter Award has been presented by the Union every year since 1996 to the cadet judged to be the 'most worthy' – recognising those who demonstrate determination and a particularly positive attitude to succeed in their chosen career. The winner is nominated by his or her maritime college, and can be at any stage of officer training.

Awards for maritime professionals

Nautilus contributes to judging panels for national and international Merchant Navy award ceremonies which honour excellence, such as the International Seafarers' Welfare Awards, and the Union has on several occasions put members forward for the UK Merchant Navy Medal. Nautilus communications staff also periodically contribute to judging panels for the maritime media section of the annual Maritime Foundation awards.

At its General Meetings, the Union pays tribute to exceptional work by its members with a special 'Nautilus Award' – such as that presented in 2015 to officers who played a key role in the UK mission to combat the spread of Ebola virus. General meetings also see the presentation of the Victoria Drummond award – set up by Nautilus in memory of the pioneering first female British marine engineer, and periodically presented to women whose achievements boost the profile of women at sea.

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