
Nautilus cadet hub

Nautilus International is the specialist trade union for cadets and other trainee maritime professionals. We fight alongside you to protect your rights, and we're ready with instant advice and legal support when you need it the most.

Whether in college or at sea – wherever you are, so are we.

Nautilus International is the trade union for maritime cadets, offering a whole range of specialist support as you start your exciting and challenging career at sea.

We understand sponsorship agreements and the sponsoring company's relationship with the education provider. We can help you get the sea time you need, and we're here for you if anything goes wrong.

We also have the ear of the maritime authorities and speak up for members on education and training.

Cadet members get the same benefits as other members of Nautilus International receive – at a fraction of the cost.

Haven't signed up yet? Join us today!

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Contact us!

Got an emergency? Are you looking for assistance and advice, or just need someone to listen? We're here for you 24 hours a day.

Meet us in person

Our cadet organisers make regular visits to UK maritime colleges. It's a great way to meet your representatives, get to know the Union, or seek support.

Why join as a cadet?

Our members fight for a better future for all maritime professionals. Sign up with Nautilus to be part of the change – and receive essential support, legal protection and expert advice.

Cadet Q&A

Looking for answers? Read our FAQs on training, sponsorship and funding, coursework, exams, sea time, and more – or email us with your own question.

Support at college

Together, Nautilus and our members campaign for better conditions onboard and in college. We're in this fight together.

Going to sea?

Those first months onboard be a shock to the system. Here's our top tips on how to prepare, and how to get the most from your sea time phase.

Financial support

Cadet or captain, the cost of living crisis affects us all – but trainees have been hit particularly hard. Here's how the Union is working on your behalf, plus advice on grants and other financial matters.

Young Maritime Professionals

Fight for your future by joining a Nautilus campaign; share your views and shape the Union’s activities; meet other cadets and get helpful career guidance. You can do it all at our YMP Forum!

Cadet news

Keep up to date with the latest stories about training and cadetships

Become a Nautilus member today