
Contact us!

Got an emergency? Are you looking for assistance and advice, or just need someone to listen? We're here for you 24 hours a day.

You're likely to experience at least one tough situation during your cadetship.
The negotiating power and legal assistance of your Union can make all the difference to the outcome. We can assist with all kinds of problems, whether you’re in college or at sea – just get in touch.


Speak to us straightaway. Call us or access online live chat using the Nautilus 24/7 service, which helps members in emergencies after hours around the clock.

Find out more about Nautilus 24/7

Need advice? 

Call: +44 (0)20 8989 6677


Rachel Lynch is the Union's strategic organiser for cadets. If you'd like to contact her directly, please email Rachel is also lead representative for female members of Nautilus International.

If you'd like to speak to the Young Maritime Professionals representative, contact Martyn Gray on:  or 

Find us on social

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Resources and guidance

You can find a range of guidance documents, publications and advice here, plus digital editions of our bi-monthly magazine Telegraph.

Extra resources are available for members (requires login).

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