
Support at college

Together, Nautilus and our members campaign for better conditions onboard and in college. We're in this fight together.

As a Nautilus cadet member, you can call on us for help during your studies. Whether you have a problem with the college, trouble with your training provider/sponsor or a social issue, our team can help.

Our cadet and legal teams have experience with all kinds of situations you might face during your studies, so we're the right people to call when you need help.

What can Nautilus help me with?

  • we can help you to enforce your rights; we'll pressure your sponsor to give you shore leave and other entitlements
  • we can support you through disciplinaries
  • we can help you get the sea time you need to complete your course
  • we can get you home if you're having trouble with repatriation

These are just a few of our services. Whatever your issue, there's a good chance we'll be able to do something to assist.

We're listening

If you'd like to talk about something in person, you can meet one of our representatives on a regular college visit.

Or if the issue is more urgent, get in touch with us day or night. We're always ready to help.


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