
Why join as a cadet?

Our members fight for a better future for all maritime professionals. Sign up with Nautilus to be part of the change – and receive essential support, legal protection and expert advice.

Nautilus has your back

You’ve probably joined sporting and special interest groups at college, and discovered the local nightlife. But have you thought about joining a union?

Signing up with Nautilus International could be the most important decision you make as a cadet.

Why join?

The maritime industry can be a challenging place, especially when you first go sea as part of your cadetship. When things go wrong, it’s vital to have a union on your side.

As a Nautilus member, you’ll benefit from emergency support, 24 hours a day.

Our expert organisers are also available to help you with a whole range of issues, and will be at your side if you have a problem with your college, training provider or sponsor.

You’ll be entitled to full legal support, including on areas such as bullying and harassment.

And since we know that money is tight when you’re studying, you’ll be paying a special reduced rate – but you’ll still get the benefits of Nautilus membership.

Fight for your future!

Sign up with Nautilus, and you’ll be able to rely on our expert support during your cadetship.

That’s not all, though – you’ll be able to get involved in our campaigning work to make the maritime sector a fairer, safer and more diverse place for all workers.

Nautilus makes a real difference to the lives of seafarers – from getting cadets home during the Covid pandemic, to securing 50% funding for cadetships from the UK government. The Union is influential in the UK and internationally, but as a democratic union it is our members – including cadets – who decide what we should fight for.

You can help to set our policy and win important victories for seafarers. The voices of our maritime professionals give us the strength to demand better from colleges, the government and employers. With your help, we can achieve even more in the future.

Find out more about the benefits of joining Nautilus.

Image: UKSA

Sign up as a member

If you haven’t signed up yet, join Nautilus International now!

If you’d like more information about membership, come and see us when we visit your college or get in touch with the team.

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Become a Nautilus member today